COLOUR: there is a wide range of colours used in digital effect
design strong bright colours that standout either in the for-ground or the background the colours are an important part of digital design and make the works visually appealing.
LAYOUT: main imagie is a key part of digital design it is placed in the middle of the page with typography or other side arts surrounding it. the focous is always drawn to the main image in the centre.
TEXT/TYPE: text types in digital design are very bright and bold sometimes with a very similar colour scheme to the main image text is often placed in the background.
MAIN IMAGE: digital effect main image are computer alted images eith created on the computer by the artist or the are alterations of photos or other works. occasionally the main image will just be typography. (Peter Saville)
COMPOSITION: composition for digital effects are very crisp and clear with bright warm or cool colours the make good use of the negative space to help it bring out the main image and make it look bolder.
(April Greiman) (Neville Brody)
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