comics / garffiti
COLOUR: colour in Comics/Graffiti style design vaerys alot depending on the artist it can rang from full black and white to a full range of colours on one piece of work. however weither it is black and white or full colour it is always contrasting and this makes comics/graffiti so effective.
MAIN IMAGE: the Main Image for Comics and graffiti depends on the artist it could be photographs or inked drawings or cartoons or a mixture of both. either of these styles vairy in colour aswell from highly contrasting black and whites or very bright colourful graffiti pieces.
LAYOUT: comics is a form of telling a story. sometimes without any dialoge at all but they always try to achieve that as clearly as possible. Graffiti conserntrates mostly on the main image and making it stand out as much as possible.
COMPOSITION: graffiti is all about the main image or text. the art is placed in the middle of the page. comics are stories and are set out in panals these change shape and size depending on whats happening in the story at the time.
TEXT/TYPE: Comic text is useally very clear and very simple to understand. graffiti is different the text can often be the main image its quite similer to typography. graffiti text isnt easy or clear to read and is useally very brightly coloured.
SPACE: Graffiti has no space restrictions it can be as large or as small as it wants. weither as comics have restriction to the pannals and the page size.
COLOUR: most of modern illustration uses simple black and white images or very bright highly saturated colours.
MAIN IMAGE: the point of illustartion is 'Mainimage' so the mian image is very simple and domiant in the centre of the page.
SPACE: illustration puts the main image in the centre of the page useally with a one colour or white background. the backgroung colour helps the main image stand out and keeps it from touching the edges.
LAYOUT: in the design style Illustration the main image is the center of attention and is placed in the middle of the page creating a strong point of focus.
COMPOSITION: composition in design makes a very clear and ballanced relationship between the main image and the background making it a strong form of art.
LAYOUT: in the design style Illustration the main image is the center of attention and is placed in the middle of the page creating a strong point of focus.
COMPOSITION: composition in design makes a very clear and ballanced relationship between the main image and the background making it a strong form of art.
TEXT/TYPE: text is very rearly used in illustration. but when it is its clear and easy to read but standing alone and not really part of the image. text can be used to help get the point across.
COLOUR: Both Illustration and comics use simple colours with not a lot of texture and shading but has heaps of contrast that looks appealing.
MAIN IMAGE: For both styles of design the main image is very important. alot of main images are of people. mostly protraits.
SPACE: gerreally both design styles use up all of the available space there isnt alot of negative space.
COMPOSITION: Both styles of design are (depending on the artist) hand made they use simple, clear, contrasting colours. the product is often messy there is alot going on visually in these pieces but with the hight contrast colours it isnt to messy to see or understand.
TEXT/TYPE: text isnt so mportant in either styles but they are used to help get a point across or explain something. apart from that the only other form of txt is titles for the product.
COLOUR: Both Illustration and comics use simple colours with not a lot of texture and shading but has heaps of contrast that looks appealing.
MAIN IMAGE: For both styles of design the main image is very important. alot of main images are of people. mostly protraits.
SPACE: gerreally both design styles use up all of the available space there isnt alot of negative space.
COMPOSITION: Both styles of design are (depending on the artist) hand made they use simple, clear, contrasting colours. the product is often messy there is alot going on visually in these pieces but with the hight contrast colours it isnt to messy to see or understand.
TEXT/TYPE: text isnt so mportant in either styles but they are used to help get a point across or explain something. apart from that the only other form of txt is titles for the product.
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